DegreeWorks FAQs


What is DegreeWorks?

DegreeWorks is an online tool that the University uses to determine if students have met requirements for graduation. It can be used to see program requirements and track degree progress.

DegreeWorks also provides:

  • What-If worksheet to show how a change of major, minor, concentration or catalog year could impact degree progress
  • Future classes feature to see if a requirement could be fulfilled
  • GPA calculator to see what is needed to achieve a desired GPA

Log into DegreeWorks by logging in to MyCharlotte and selecting the link or icon for DegreeWorks (Faculty & Advisors can find the link under the Teaching Heading, Students can find the icon in the Quick Links section). You can also access DegreeWorks directly at

Who can use DegreeWorks?
  • All currently enrolled graduate students
  • Undergraduate students admitted Fall 2014 or later
  • Faculty/Staff who have the Advising tab in Banner Self-Service

Worksheet information

What is an audit or worksheet?

A Degree Works audit or worksheet provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to fulfill a degree/ major/ minor/ concentration needed for graduation.

What information is in the worksheet header?

The information you may see in the Degree Works header could vary.  Options are listed below, if you do not have any of the information it will not show in Degree Works. 

  1. Level
  2. Classification
  3. Major
  4. Minor
  5. Concentration
  6. College
  7. Advisor(s)
  8. Registration Hold(s) (‘Y’)
  9. Confidential Indicator (‘Y’)
  10. Visa
  11. MATH, WRDS, and BIOL Placement Scores – UG students only
  12. Thesis Chair – GR students only
  13. Thesis Members – GR students only
  14. Dissertation Chair – GR students only
  15. Dissertation Members – GR students only
  16. Graduate Faculty – GR students only
  17. Pending Graduation Applications

Sample Undergraduate Student Header

Image of Undergraduate Degree Works header

Sample Graduate Student (Master’s) Header

Picture of a Masters Degree student Degree Works header

Sample Graduate Student (Ph.D) Header

Picture of the Degree Works header for a Graduate Student

Sample Student Headers

Sample Undergraduate Student Header

Image of Undergraduate Degree Works header

Sample Graduate Student (Master’s) Header

Picture of a Masters Degree student Degree Works header

Sample Graduate Student (Ph.D) Header

Picture of the Degree Works header for a Graduate Student

How can I view information for all the courses in my program in DegreeWorks?

Where a course requirement is listed, clicking the requirement will display a pop-up window with the course information (including course title, description, credit hours, pre-requisites, etc). 

Course Prerequisite

A clipboard icon, displayed next to a course indicates there is a prerequisite. This icon will appear whether or not you have the prerequisite course on your record.

Screen shot that shows a course prerequisite

Course Title

If you hover the mouse over the course information, the course title and course credit hours will be displayed.

Screen shot that shows a course title

Course Information

If you click on a course, you will see additional information such as title, course description and any prerequisites.

screen shot showing course information in DegreeWorks

The undergraduate and graduate catalogs can also be viewed online.

Can a single course be used in multiple requirements in DegreeWorks?

In some cases a course may be used to fulfill multiple requirements in a worksheet. See the University Catalog to determine whether your program allows or restricts course sharing. You may also contact your academic advisor or Graduate Program Director.

Why did my course move in DegreeWorks?

DegreeWorks tries to determine the best course to fulfill a requirement. As your academic record is updated, courses may be used differently within your DegreeWorks audit.

When should I look at my worksheet in DegreeWorks?

It is helpful to check DegreeWorks regularly.  Recommended times to review your DegreeWorks worksheet include: 

  • Prior to meeting with an advisor
  • Prior to registration
  • Prior to applying for graduation
  • After any changes are made to your record (major, minor, concentration, grade changes, etc.)
If I’m pursuing multiple degrees / certificates, how can I check the requirements in DegreeWorks for each one?

Select the degree drop-down at the top of the worksheet, next to your name, to switch between degrees.

Why are my Early Entry Graduate courses not showing up on my Undergraduate worksheet?

For Early Entry students, up to twelve hours earned at the graduate level may be substituted for required undergraduate hours. In other words, up to twelve hours of graduate work may be “double-counted” toward both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. Once the approved Graduate course has been successfully completed and the grade has been processed, it will appear on the Undergraduate worksheet. Note: Only courses with a grade of C or better will be allowed to “double-count”.

What is the Other Courses section?

The Other Courses section contains courses that you have successfully completed but do not fulfill a requirement in the worksheet.

Image showing other courses section in DegreeWorks

What is the Not Counted section (graduate programs only)?

For Graduate Programs, typically courses are displayed in the Not Counted section in DegreeWorks for the following reasons:

  • The course has exceeded the published time limit for the program.
  • The course was taken before being admitted to the program.
What does the @ symbol mean in my DegreeWorks worksheet?

This symbol is considered a wild card in DegreeWorks. It allows DegreeWorks to be flexible with the courses that count towards the requirement.

For example:

  1. A requirement of MATH @ would mean any course with a subject code of MATH can fulfill the requirement.  
  2. A requirement of CHEM 6@ means any Chemistry course at the 6000 level can fulfill the requirement.  
  3. Occasionally, you may see “@ @” which means that any subject code and any course number can be used to fulfill the requirement.
    • Graduate students must select a graduate level course (5000 level and above).
    • Undergraduate students must select an undergraduate level course (4000 level and below).

Image showing wild card course example

Why is my overall GPA different than my program or major GPA?

The Overall GPA comes from the student record in Banner. 

Courses will be calculated into separate undergraduate and graduate Overall GPAs.Program GPA and Major GPA, which display in the Major block, are calculated by DegreeWorks and only include the courses that are applied to the program or major in your worksheet.

Why does Credits Applied show more than I have actually completed?

DegreeWorks includes completed and in-progress courses in the Credits Applied calculation. In-progress courses include those in which you are currently enrolled, as well as those in which you are registered for a future term.

If an In-Progress class is not completed successfully, it will be removed from Credits Applied once grades are processed.

Why don’t I see my grade change in DegreeWorks?

Grade changes will show in DegreeWorks the day after they are processed.  If you do not see your grade change the next day, contact your professor.

Does DegreeWorks show me who my advisor is?

Yes, advisor information is displayed at the top of the worksheet near your name and ID number. 

Image of DegreeWorks header with Advisor circled

You can send an email to your advisor by clicking on the envelope icon in the top right corner of the worksheet.

How can I save a DegreeWorks worksheet or What-If worksheet?

You can click the printer icon in the top right corner of the worksheet.

screen shot that shows printing icon in top right

Graduation Information

Can I still graduate if my graduation application was accepted but DegreeWorks says that I haven’t completed all requirements?

You may be eligible for graduation but need to identify which areas are Incomplete on your worksheet.  If you believe you have completed the requirements and they are still showing as Incomplete, contact your advisor or Graduate Program Director.

Are there requirements for graduation that DegreeWorks does not check?

Program requirements outlined in the University Catalog will be checked using DegreeWorks. If you have any questions, please reach out to your advisor or graduate program director.

Worksheet adjustments or substitution/waivers

Can I make a request to adjust my DegreeWorks worksheet?

Adjustments can be made to a requirement in a DegreeWorks worksheet and must be approved by your advisor or Graduate Program Director.

What-if worksheet

What is What-If worksheet?

The DegreeWorks What-If feature allows you to view a worksheet based on selected changes to major, minor, concentration, catalog year, etc. This does NOT change your academic record. Contact your advisor or Graduate Program Director to make changes to your academic record.

Image of the What If link circled in DegreeWorks

Does the What-If worksheet change my record?

No. When you view a What-If worksheet, this does NOT make any changes to your academic record. You are viewing what your progress would look like if you were to change your major, minor, concentration, catalog year, etc.

How do I see what my requirements would be if I wanted to change my major, minor, concentration, or catalog year?

Select the What-If tab below the student section in the worksheet.

Image of What If link circled in DegreeWorks

Enter your selected degree, major, concentration or catalog year. If you would like to view a What-If worksheet that includes a second major, second concentration, or additional minor, enter this information in the Additional Areas of Study section.

Image of What If section in DegreeWorks

Select the Process button. A worksheet will display with the requirements for the selected curriculum; when you are ready to return to your current worksheet, select the Academic tab.

Image with the Academic link circled in DegreeWorks

If you decide to change your curriculum based on this What-If worksheet, contact your advisor or Graduate Program Director.

What is the Future Classes feature?

This feature allows you to see how future classes would satisfy requirements on your worksheet. 

  1. On the What-If tab, scroll down to the Future classes section 
  2. Enter the subject and course number in the Future Classes section
  3. Select Add after each course is entered
  4. Select Process

Note:  This feature does not register you for classes. It only allows you to see how your worksheet may change with specific courses. If you have any questions, contact your advisor or Graduate Program Director.

Student educational planner (SEP)

What is the Student Educational Planner?

The Student Educational Planner is a tool within DegreeWorks that helps students and advisors work together to plan each semester of coursework to ensure student success. By developing a plan, you will have a clear path of coursework needed each semester in sequential order. 

How do I create a New Plan?

There are two different options to create a new plan: Blank Plan or Select Template. Blank Plans will be useful for students who are already in progress towards their degree and are near completion. Templates will be most beneficial to new students who have not yet started their academic career.

  1. Refer to the University Catalog or plan of study for your program.
  2. In DegreeWorks, select the Plans tab at the top of the page.
    1. If a plan exists, you will see your Plan List. You can create a new plan by clicking New Plan.
    2. If a plan does not exist, you will be prompted to create one. 
  3. Select the option you’d like to use, either Select Template or Blank Plan
  4. Select a Starting Term
  5. Click Submit when plan is complete
  6. Name your plan by entering text in the Description box. It is suggested that you type in the name of the degree program and check the Active and Locked boxes. Click Save
  7. Add at least 2 additional terms by clicking the Add Term button and select the next sequential term from the drop-down menu and click Add. You need to build out at least two terms to be able to build the plan using the Still Needed feature.Click Add to add class requirements
  8. After selecting all of the terms, you can now begin to add courses to the terms in the plan. 
How do I add courses to my Plan?

Building courses can be done in several ways.

  1. Add a course from the Still Needed menu. This is the preferred method of adding courses as it will only display requirements that have not been taken or planned for in the CURRENT major. If you are advising for a change of major, you should NOT use this feature.
  2. To access the Still Needed menu, you can either click the right arrow next to < Requirements > or click the + sign under the semester you want to add courses to.
    1. Click on the arrow next to Requirements, and Still Needed will appear. The outstanding requirements will then be listed by the blocks used on the audit.
  3. Click on the right arrows and you will get a list of courses (or attributes). Once you have a blue course, you can drag the chosen blue course over to the appropriate term.
    1. Another way to access Still Needed is to click the + button underneath the semester you want to add classes to.
  4. Use Place Holders if you are unsure of what classes to take
  5. You can Drag and Drop a course from one term to another if you need to change a course’s term.
How do I check a plan against graduation requirements in DegreeWorks?
  1. Select your plan from the Plans List
  2. Select Audit
How do I use the Plan “What-If” analysis tool?

Use the “What If” analysis tool to check how your plan meet requirements for a different program. To access the tool:

  1. Select your plan from the Plans List
  2. Click What If
  3. Enter desired program criteria
  4. Click Process


What should I do if a major, minor, or concentration is wrong?

Please contact your advisor or Graduate Program Director, they will be able to assist with correcting this information.

Who can I contact if transfer work is not showing or in the wrong place in DegreeWorks?

For undergraduate programs, contact For graduate programs, contact the student’s advisor or Graduate Program Director.

Who should I contact if the requirements on DegreeWorks don’t match the catalog or there is an error?

If you have any questions regarding DegreeWorks you can either reach out to your advisor or Graduate Program Coordinator or complete the DegreeWorksHelp Request form or use the portal to submit a help request for all DegreeWorks questions or issues.

Who should I contact if my question isn’t listed?

If you have any questions regarding DegreeWorks you can either reach out to your advisor or Graduate Program Coordinator or complete the DegreeWorksHelp Request form or use the portal to submit a help request for all DegreeWorks questions or issues. 

Additional Resources

How do I begin a plan?

How do I build out a plan?