SAP Appeals

Students who are not meeting SAP may appeal their eligibility to receive aid by completing the appeal process below.

Appeal Submission Deadlines

  • Aug. 26, 2024 – Deadline to submit a SAP appeal to receive aid for Fall 2024 semester.

Maximum Number of Appeals: Students are limited to a maximum of three approved appeals during their program of study. (Example: You can apply for an appeal as many times as you want, but once you have 3 approved appeals, you can no longer appeal.) Students who are not progressing due to not completing their degree in the maximum time frame are limited to only one approved appeal.

What to Include in your Appeal
  • A detailed explanation of the extenuating circumstances that occurred during the specific semester(s) in which the student failed to meet the SAP standards.
  • All necessary documentation to support the existence of the circumstances described (examples would include a letter from a doctor, clergy, professional, etc.) and evidence that the circumstances have been resolved.
  • Incomplete appeals will not be reviewed. If additional information is required, an email will be sent to the student’s UNC Charlotte email account as well as a message posted on the Banner Self-Service system. After 30 days of being incomplete, the appeal will be denied.
  • All documents received with the appeal form become the property of The Office of Financial Aid. Students are advised not to submit originals.
  • Once all required documentation is submitted, students will be notified electronically of the outcome of their appeal. Appeal decisions will be updated on the Banner Self-Service system.

Appeal Decisions/Timeline

Students should allow up to 3 weeks for a decision to be received on their appeal. The appeal decision will be communicated via email and Banner Self-Service, with a status of either Denied or Approved for Financial Aid Probation.

  • An appeal approval is good for one probationary term only, which means the student is eligible to receive funding for the following semester only.
  • If a student doesn’t attend their approved semester they would have to appeal again.
  • If a student receives approval for an appeal based on exceeding the maximum number of credit hours in their program, the approval will only allow them to receive aid for one additional semester.

Academic Acknowledgment Plan

The Academic Acknowledgement Plan is included on the appeal that you submit and will be included in your approval message in Banner Self-Service if the appeal is approved.

  • If your appeal is approved, your plan will have different requirements depending on your student classification.
    • Undergraduate students must complete each semester with at least a 2.5 GPA and successfully complete at least 75% of any classes they attempt, until they have reached the original cumulative SAP standards.
    • Graduate students must complete each semester with at least a 3.2 GPA and successfully complete at least 75% of any classes they attempt, until they have reached the original cumulative SAP standards.
  • A review of the Academic Acknowledgment Plan will be conducted by the financial aid counselors at the end of each semester. If the student is adhering to the plan and making successful progress, their eligibility will remain intact for the following semester.
  • If the student has reached their cumulative GPA required for their program (either a 2.0 for undergraduate students or a 3.0 for graduate students) and a cumulative completion rate of at least 66.6%, they will be taken off of the probationary status and will need to maintain these original standards.

How to Submit an Appeal

Read the full SAP Policy and Progress Standards