Past Due Balances

A student’s account will be considered to be in past due status if the student is not currently enrolled at the University, and the student’s account contains unpaid charges that have been outstanding 30 days or greater after the last day of the term.

Results of Past Due Accounts

  • A financial hold will be placed on the student’s account and all requests for registration, readmission or diplomas will be denied until the student’s account is paid in full.
  • Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 147-86.23 and UNC System Office standards, the University is required to assess interest charges and late payment penalties on past due accounts.
    • Interest will be calculated each month as a percentage of the unpaid account balance (excluding any interest and late fees).
    • The University must calculate interest at the rate established by the North Carolina Department of Revenue.
    • Prior to the assessment of interest charges, the student will be notified of his/her unpaid account balance, which may include making contact with the student via letter, email, or phone call to urge the student to contact the Office of the Bursar to arrange payment of the outstanding account balance.

Unpaid account balances more than 30 days past due
  • Once a student’s unpaid account balance is greater than 30 days past due after the last day of the term (or if no payment plan arrangements have been made), the account will be assessed monthly interest charges.
  • Additionally, once the account becomes 61 days or more past due, a one-time late payment penalty will be assessed on the student’s account in the amount of 10% of the unpaid account balance. It will then be subject to referral to the Attorney General’s Office for collection assistance. Further collection activity on these accounts will be at the direction of the Attorney General’s office.
  • Progressive collection efforts are:
    • Referral to a Collection Agency
    • Report to State of NC to withhold state tax refund
    • State Employees Debt Collection Act procedures
    • Litigation

Collection agencies

Once an account has been assigned to a collection agency, the former student will need to contact the collection agency directly to arrange payment. Not receiving a bill or notice will not be accepted as a valid excuse for not paying an account. The University utilizes the following state approved external collection agencies:

Account Control Technology (TSI)(844) 743-1302
EOS-CCA (TSI)(800) 886-9177
Windham Professionals, Inc. (Radius Inc.)(800) 969-0059
Todd, Bremer and Lawson(800) 849-6669
Williams & Fudge(800) 849-9791
Conserve(800) 724-7500
Setoff Debt Collection Act and State Employee Debt Collection Act
  • The Setoff Debt Collection Act (NCGS Chapter 105A) is designed to facilitate collection of debts owed by an individual to an agency of the State. Debtors to UNC Charlotte (which is a state agency) with debts of $50.00 or greater and in arrears of ninety days or more must be reported to the N.C. Department of Revenue for potential set off against their N.C. individual income tax refunds.
  • The Department of Revenue will place a hold on State income tax returns due debtors whose names have been submitted. The Department of Revenue will notify the taxpayer that the University has a claim against the income tax refund. The Department of Revenue will forward to the University a wire transfer in the amount of the debt owed less a collection fee. The debtor must contact the University’s Collection Section for additional information. Student records will remain tagged until the financial obligation is satisfied.
  • The act gives the alleged debtor the right to a hearing to contest the validity of the debt. The alleged debtor has 30 days from the date of notification of the University’s claim to file a written request for a validity hearing. The debtor waives their right to a validity hearing if they fail to request a hearing within 30 days.

Looking for additional information? View our Past Due Balances FAQs here.